Thursday, September 27, 2007

Financial Quicksand

Being in debt can be overwhelming. When you are already struggling to keep your head above water and pay off credit cards or debts, unexpected expenses or emergencies can leave you wondering where to begin. Our household has been trying to gain some financial ground and get out of debt for some time. Just when we get going good, it seems as if that is when something unexpected happens or we "fall off the wagon" and have to start all over. Lately, I have been listening to Dave Ramsey a lot and reading a financial forum for motivation financial information and ideas. If you find yourself struggling and juggling, keep in mind these basics with which to start climbing out of the hole. Don't spend your paycheck before you get it. Start with the absolute necessary bills first - food, utilities, rent or mortgage. Write down on paper starting with just the one paycheck and those priorities. One thing at a time.

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

The Cost of an Eight Grader

No one prepared me for the cost of having a child in eight grade. First came the braces. That was just last week. At a cost of $5,000 insurance only picks up 50% of orthodontia so our share is only a meager $2,500 ha! Blane's teeth are relatively in good shape and he will probably only have to keep them for a year. I wouldn't want to know what severe overbite costs. This week we had to have a new trombone for band. Graduating to eight grade band means getting a "step-up" instrument. At a cost of $4,000 on down for buying a new trombone, he better like band and stick with it! Needless to say, we did not buy the top of the line. It does not stop there with the expenses for band. The books, the oil, the mouthpieces, the metronome. Did you know they have digital metronomes now? LOL Not to mention the fundraisers because you are supposed to contribute so much money for their band trips and activities! I am not complaining, however - well not really. I do worry about costs and money and having to pay for all of this. But, I know the benefits will far outweigh the sacrifices. A handsome, centered young man with a beautiful smile who can hopefully play me some Christmas songs. He already plays me some Mardi Gras!

Sunday, September 23, 2007


Sundays have been strange days for me for some years now. It is somewhat difficult to explain. On the one hand, it is a great day - a day of family togetherness, a day for church and now that fall is here a day for lazy afternoons with football on the t.v. All that is good. On the other hand, as the day draws to a close, I realize that I have to face the hectic week ahead of getting up early, a stressful drive to work to go through a stressful day at a job I may or may not like, worry about my 8th grader being taken care of after school because I am not there, and coming home late and trying to fix dinner and deal with all the every- day hassels. Worry and depression start to set in Sunday night before Monday morning even gets here. Some times are better than others, but I still haven't quite been able to conquer the hurdle of "Sunday night blues". There just never seems to be enough time in the weekends.